Statutory audit

Statutory audit

Statutory audit

is a firm that certifies the accuracy and reality of the financial statements of companies with or without the obligation to appoint an auditor in their legal entities.

Our audit approach focuses on the nature of the client’s business and the assessment of the risks it may face as well as the control procedures it applies. This allows us to develop an audit strategy based on the examination and assessment of the internal control system instead of relying exclusively on audit procedures.

We aim for our work to be of value to our clients, enabling them to make decisions with the greatest possible certainty and to determine the full benefits of new strategic opportunities. We strive to maintain a professional and efficient approach to the audits we perform, as well as the highest standards for the services we provide to clients. We have developed an effective audit methodology that meets the requirements of international auditing standards.

Our interventions in auditing (not exhaustive):

Legal or contractual audit
Missions related to acquisitions
Missions relating to mergers or transfers of companies...
Certificate of compliance
Missions related to contributions and transformations
A2CM Cabinet d’expertise comptable, commissariat aux comptes, Conseil et d’assistance en matière de droit, Fiscalité et finance d’entreprise...
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